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Acceptance and appreciation of the the individual


Our approach to therapy is integrative. It follows the principles of social tolerance and respect for each young person’s individuality.


We accept physical and mental differences and let them exist side by side, free of judgment. Thus the child feels seen and can experience a sense of self-worth independent of performance or achievements.


With our work we strive to achieve an individual form of integration for each young person into society. Depending on the individual needs of the child and his or her environment (family, school etc.) we offer systemic psychotherapy for the child as well as further services for caregivers.


Licenced psychotherapists

All our psychotherapists are accredited by the Health Department of the Canton of Zurich with a permit to practice psychotherapy independently or on the basis of delegation.


Special form of therapy: «Psychotherapy in a team of three”

Depending on the problem presented to us, at times children with serious illness or disability (e.g. children who are nonverbal) are treated by a therapy team of two psychologists. This special form of psychotherapy was developed by Spielzeit over the course of many years and is - when indicated - exceptionally helpful.