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To be different is normal!


For over 30 years our organization has been treating and supporting seriously ill, physically and/or mentally challenged or traumatized children, adolescents and their families in times of need. Whilst doing so, we accept physical and mental differences and let them co-exist side by side and free of judgment. To be different is normal!


We are a charitable foundation: Children with registered disabilities and severe illness can profit from counseling free or reduced of charge.


To profit from a therapeutic sponsorship, an application needs to be handed in. Please contact us.


Spielzeit Psychotherapy
Spyristrasse 7, CH-8044 Zürich
Tel. 043 810 0 810 / Fax. 043 810 0 811


The M.-L. von Franz Institute for Studies in Synchronicity (MLFI, Zürich)



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