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The M.-L. von Franz Institute

for Studies in Synchronicity (MLFI)


The Foundation

The MLFI is a Swiss non-profit foundation operating under the Swiss Federal Supervisory Authority for Foundations. The foundation’s aim is to support scientific projects and research in the field of manifestations which the renowned Swiss psychologist C. G. Jung called “synchronicity”. Furthermore, the foundation promotes educational projects and other efforts which implement applied psychosomatic research at home and abroad.


As a project of the MLFI, Spielzeit is a non-profit service organization and seeks no financial or other personal gain. All of Spielzeit’s departments, including Spielzeit-Research.Org, follow a financial and organizational idealism; our young patients deserve and depend on it. Our core objective is researching psychotherapeutic ways to improve the quality of daily life of young people with a mental or physical disability, illness or psychosocial burdens.


Non-profit character

Both the Swiss federal and cantonal governments have officially recognized the efforts of the MLFI and its projects as worthy of support because of its important contributions to society. All of our team members are personally committed to guaranteeing the continued high quality of these services. While we hold a politically and religiously neutral stance, Spielzeit follows and embodies the principles of humanism. We respect the value and dignity of each individual and advocate tolerance within a humanistic society.


You can reach the foundation at